Flourishing in Retirement: A Five-step Guide to Joy for the Post-career Woman is a book that offers a guide to building a joyous retirement life. It is based on Shelly Dale’s life experiences as a public health nurse and as a post-career woman. It includes activities like meditations, mind-maps, and coping behaviors. The book encourages readers to break common myths about retirement, rediscover themselves, and embrace joy in their lives. It encourages a constant practice of joyous living in retirement.

Shelly Dale (Coupland)
As a public health nurse for 32 years, and through my own life experience, I have developed a passion to inspire people to flourish through life changes and challenges. In my own life story including a challenging childhood, single parenting, dealing with aging ill parents as well as dealing with a previous cancer diagnosis, these flourishing strategies have been helpful. I have had the privilege to help introduce hundreds of families to parenthood and develop through it. I have connected with women’s groups, parent groups, community groups and schools to be inspiring, encouraging and to help facilitate resiliency. It is my intention to continue to do this through speaking engagements, facilitating women’s workshops and story sharing. I have recently published a book “Flourishing in Retirement: a 5-step guide to joy for the post- career woman”. Please join me on this journey of finding joy and flourishing in life through my explorations of “Flourishing Matters”.
Reviews and Endorsements
“Wow, loved your book. Not just the words but also the great exercises and actions suggested to help guide one to bring joy to our lives. I have been retired for over 10 years and your book helped me refocus and make decisions that added sparkle to my days.” Verna Adolf, retired public health nurse
“I finished your book and was so impressed. You captured my attention. Your book flowed well with a nice balance of experiences, ideas and instructions.” Jacquie Daodi retired public health nurse
“Inspirational! A practical, hands-on guide to retirement. The book is easy to read and radiates joy. A great book to inspire women to re-invent or re-discover themselves post-retirement. Highly recommended!” Gabriele Goldstone
“Fantastic book…..I am using it as a framework for a happy retirement. Thank you. It feels like you wrote it just for me.” Brenda Smith, the labelled disabled retired nurse
“You can jump into retirement without planning and hope for the best. Or you can read “Flourishing in Retirement” to fashion the most satisfying period of your life” Maxine Hasselriis, retired teacher
“Thanks for the opportunity to be inspired!” Jan Montgomery, retired public health nurse